Authors & Contributors
Become an “Author” and write articles: Share your passion by joining our team of writers and help spread Cameroonian culture.
Isaac Fomo
I'm a young writer and culture buff, check out my articles by clicking on my name or my photo, haha.
Fabrice Noubissie
Fabrice Noubissie, author and WordPress designer, skilfully combines aestheticism and technical mastery in his digital creations. His reputation is built on innovative projects that raise the standards of web design. His commitment to excellence makes him a key figure in the field.
Yves Nkwaga
Yves Nkwaga, copywriter and digital marketer, brilliantly merges editorial creativity and marketing expertise in each of his projects. His distinctive talent lies in his ability to tell compelling stories while optimising his clients' digital presence. Renowned for his strategic insight, Yves has become a key reference in the world of digital marketing, constantly raising the standards of online communication.
Aureline Meli
Aureline Meli est une journaliste dynamique et polyvalente, passionnée par la communication et le digital. En tant que communicatrice, elle maîtrise l'art de transmettre des messages clairs et impactants. Traductrice amateure, elle exploite son bilinguisme pour briser les barrières linguistiques. Passionnnée du marketing digital et les outils créatifs comme Canva, elle explore constamment de nouvelles façons de communiquer de manière innovante. Aureline incarne l’esprit d’apprentissage continu et de leadership, toujours prête à relever de nouveaux défis.